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  为规范两用物项和技术进出口管理,涉及易制毒化学品、计算机、监控化学品等两用物项和技术进出口许可证管理的,均应依照商务部《两用物项和技术进出口许可证管理办法》(商务部2005 年第29号令)的规定执行。


                        商务部部长 陈德铭





第一条 为实施国际著作权条约,保护外国作品著作权人的合法权益,制定本规定。
第二条 对外国作品的保护,适用《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下称著作权法)、《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》和本规定。
第三条 本规定所称国际著作权条约,是指中华人民共和国(以下称中国)参加的《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》(以下称伯尔尼公约)和与外国签订的有关著作权的双边协定。
第四条 本规定所称外国作品,包括:
第五条 对未发表的外国作品的保护期,适用著作权法第二十条、第二十一条的规定。
第六条 对外国实用艺术作品的保护期,为自该作品完成起二十五年。
第七条 外国计算机程序作为文学作品保护,可以不履行登记手续,保护期为自该程序首次发表之年年底起五十年。
第八条 外国作品是由不受保护的材料编辑而成,但是在材料的选取或者编排上有独创性的,依照著作权法第十四条的规定予以保护。此种保护不排斥他人利用同样的材料进行编辑。
第九条 外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约构成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。
第十条 将外国人已经发表的以汉族文字创作的作品,翻译成少数民族文字出版发行的,应当事先取得著作权人的授权。
第十一条 外国作品著作权人,可以授权他人以任何方式、手段公开表演其作品或者公开传播对其作品的表演。
第十二条 外国电影、电视和录像作品的著作权人可以授权他人公开表演其作品。
第十三条 报刊转载外国作品,应当事先取得著作权人的授权;但是,转载有关政治、经济等社会问题的时事文章除外。
第十四条 外国作品的著作权人在授权他人发行其作品的复制品后,可以授权或者禁止出租其作品的复制品。
第十五条 外国作品的著作权人有权禁止进口其作品的下列复制品:
第十六条 表演、录音或者广播外国作品,适用伯尔尼公约的规定;有集体管理组织的,应当事先取得该组织的授权。
第十七条 国际著作权条约在中国生效之日尚未在起源国进入公有领域的外国作品,按照著作权法和本规定规定的保护期受保护,到期满为止。
第十八条 本规定第五条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条、第十七条适用于录音制品。
第十九条 本规定施行前,有关著作权的行政法规与本规定有不同规定的,适用本规定。本规定与国际著作权条约有不同规定的,适用国际著作权条约。
第二十条 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。
第二十一条 本规定由国家版权局负责解释。
第二十二条 本规定自一九九二年九月三十日起施行。

Regulations for the Implementation of International CopyrightTreaties

(Promulgated on September 25, 1992)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in order to implement international
copyright treaties and to protect the lawful rights and interests of
owners of copyrights in foreign works.
Article 2
The protection of foreign works shall be governed by the PRC
Copyright Law (the Copyright Law), the PRC Copyright Law Implementing
Rules, the Computer Software Protection Regulations a nd these
Article 3
The term "international copyright treaties" as used in these
Regulations shall refer to the Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works (the Berne Convention) acceded to by the PRC
and bilateral copyright agreements entered into with foreign countries.
Article 4
The term "foreign works" as used these Regulations shall include the
(1) works, of which the author or one of the authors, or the owners
or one of the owners of the copyright, is a national of a country that is
a member of an international copyright treaty or a resident of such member
country with habitual residence in such member country;
(2) works that are not authored by a national of a country that is a
member of an international copyright treaty or by a resident of such
member country with habitual residence in such member country, but that
are first or simultaneously published in such member country; and
(3) works, the creation of which was commissioned to another party by
a Sino-foreig n equity joint venture, a Sino-foreign cooperative joint
venture or a wholly foreign owned enterprise, and for which a contract
provides that such joint venture or enterprise is the owner or one of the
owners of the copyright.
Article 5
Articles 20 and 21 of the Copyright Law shall apply to the term of
protection of unpublished foreign works.
Article 6
The term of protection of foreign works of applied art shall be 25
years from the completion of such works.
The preceding paragraph shall not apply to works of fine art
(including designs of animated cartoon imaged) used on industrial
Article 7
Foreign computer programs shall be protected as literary works and
shall not require registration. The term of protection shall be 50 years
from the end of the year of first publication of such a program.
Article 8
Foreign works that are a compilation of unprotected material but that
are original in terms of the selection or arrangement of the material
shall be protected under Article 14 of the Copyright Law. Such protection
shall not exclude others from using the same material for a compilation.
Article 9
Foreign video recordings that under international copyright treaties
constitute cinematographic works shall be protected as cinematographic
Article 10
Where a foreigner has created and published a work in the language of
the Han nationality, the publication and distribution of a translation of
such work into the language of a minority nationality shall be subject to
prior authorization of the copyright owner.
Article 11
Owners of copyright in foreign works may authorize others publicly to
perform their works, or to communicate to the public the performance of
their works, by any means or process.
Article 12
Owners of copyright in foreign cinematographic, television and video
recording works may authorize others to publicly p erform their works.
Article 13
Reproduction by the press of foreign works shall be subject to prior
authorization of the copyright owners, except in the case of reproduction
of articles on current social topics such as political and economic
Article 14
After owners of copyright in foreign works have authorized other
persons to distribute copies of their works, they may authorize or
prohibit the rental of copies of their works.
Article 15
The owner of the copyright in a foreign work shall have the right to
prohibit import of the following reproductions of his work:
(1) infringing copies; and
(2) reproductions coming from a country where the work is not
Article 16
The performance, recording or broadcasting of foreign works shall be
governed by the Berne Convention. Where collective administration
organizations exist, prior authorization shall be obtained from such
Article 17
Foreign works that have not yet fallen into the public domain in the
country of origin on the date of the international copyright treaty coming
into force in China, shall be protected until the expiry of the term of
protection provided for in the Copyright Law and these Regulations.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the use
of foreign works prior to the date of the international copyright treaty
coming into force in China.
Chinese citizens or legal persons that owned and used particular
reproductions of foreign works for particular purposes prior to the
international copyright treaty coming into force in China, may continue to
use the reproductions of such works without liability, provided that such
reproductions are neither reproduced nor used in any way that would
unreasonably prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of the owners
of copyright in the works.
The provisions of the preceding 3 paragraphs shall be implemented in
accordance with the relevant bilateral copyright agreements between China
and the relevant countries.
Article 18
Articles 5, 12, 14, 15 and 17 of these Regulations shall apply to
products of sound recordings.
Article 19
In the event of any discrepancies between these Regulations and
administrative laws and regulations concerning copyright that were
promulgated prior to the implementation of these Regulations, these
Regulations shall prevail. In the event of any discrepancies between these
Regulations and international copyright treaties, the international
copyright treaties shall prevail.
Article 20
The State Copyright Administration shall be responsible for the
implementation of international copyright treaties in China.
Article 21
The State Copyright Administration shall be responsible for the
interpretation of these Regulations.
Article 22
These Regulations shall be implemented as of September 30, 1992.




(鞍山市人民政府令第12号 1994年2月23日)

  第一条 为加强农村住宅用地的管理,合理用地、节约用地,根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《辽宁省〈中华人民共和国土地管理法〉办法》、《鞍山市实施〈中华人民共和国土地管理法〉》暂行规定》,结合鞍山市实际,制定本办法。
  第二条 凡在鞍山市行政区域内使用集体土地建住宅的,必须遵守本办法。
  第三条 市、县(含海城市、旧堡区)土地管理部门对本办法的实施情况负责监督、检查。
  第四条 农村住宅建设用地要坚持合理布局、节约用地的原则,要充分利用原有宅基地、空闲地、荒地建住宅,尽量不占或少占耕地,严格控制占用菜地。有条件的地方,要鼓励农民建楼房,向空间发展。
  第五条 农村住宅建设用地必须执行县以上人民政府批准的乡镇建设规划和上级计划部门下达的年度非农业建设用地计划控制指标。
  第六条 住宅用地标准按村居民人均占有耕地面积确定,在规划年度内不变。人均耕地667平方米(含667平方米)以下的村,四口人(含四口人)以下的户单层建筑每户应当低于二百平方米,二层以上建筑不得超过二百二十平方米;人均耕地667平方米以上的村,四口人(含四口人)以下的户,单层建筑每户不准超过二百平方米,两层以上建筑每户不得超过二百四十平方米。五口人以上的户,均不得超过二百六十六平方米。沿河村庄需垫房身一点五米以上的,按规定住宅用地标准每户增加二十四平方米。
  第七条 住宅用地指标以村为单位确定,按在籍村民户数计算,控制在百分之一点五以内,由县(市)、区计划部门和土地管理部门将住宅用地指标每年一次下达到乡(镇),由乡(镇)人民政府分解到村,村居民委员会落实到户。指标不得跨年度使用。
  第八条 村委会得到住宅用地指标后,要张榜公布。住宅用地指标的分配由村民代表集体讨论确定并公开征求意见三至五天,在得到村民通过的基础上,由村委会主任、村民代表签字后连同本人申请一并报乡(镇)人民政府;村委会干部和乡(镇)一般干部建房申请使用住宅用地的,除按前款规定外,由乡(镇)长办公会讨论,乡(镇)长签字上报。
  第九条 有下列情况之一者,不予批准住宅用地:
  第十条 乡(镇)人民政府对各村住宅用地指标分配落实情况,应逐户进行审查,发现弄虚作假等行为,要及时纠正。
  第十一条 住宅用地报件一式四份,内容包括:
  第十二条 利用原住宅用地翻建住宅,不扩大宅基地用地面积,又符合规划要求的,不受住宅用地指标限制;由乡(镇)人民政府审批,报县(市)区土地管理局备案。原住宅用地根据规划要求需移地重建的,由县(市)人民政府批准,住宅用地指标由公共建设占地中解决。
  第十三条 利用耕地和其他土地做住宅用地的,报县(市)、区人民政府审批。
  第十四条 农村非农业户建房需要使用集体土地做住宅用地的,由其主管部门办理征地手续。
  第十五条 新住宅用地落位应坚持先村内插空、加趟、垫坑、控制外延的原则,禁止在远离居民区独立建房。
  第十六条 住宅用地落位、放线,由乡(镇)有关部门执行,并埋设界桩。套院墙的,应在界桩内建设,超越界线按违反土地法规处理。
  第十七条 买卖房屋同时转让住宅用地的,只能转让给在籍村民的无房户或拥挤户,并由乡(镇)人民政府审批,报县(市)、区人民政府备案并更换住宅用地证书。房屋建设末达到竣工标准的,住宅用地不得转让。
  第十八条 对未经批准或非法骗取住宅用地指标建房等违反本办法的行为,除限期拆除房屋、收回用地外,并处以罚款。占用耕地的,每平方米罚款10-15元;占用非耕地的,每平方米罚款5-10元。
  第十九条 本办法执行中的具体问题,由市土地管理局负责解释。
  第二十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。